Category Archives: volunteering

“Thank You” to our Hedfest knitters!

Yarn bombed tree-001HEDFEST, on the day of the Carnival Parade, Saturday 13th August 2016, will see Hedon town centre ‘dressed’ for the occasion! Our already beautiful town will become pretty in pink… and, blue, red, green, orange and every other colour!

The centre of town will be given a woolly and wonderful makeover as street furniture is decorated with wool bunting and items of knitting supplied by a team of volunteer knitters!

Woolly decorated noticeboard

Woolly decorated noticeboard

With only a few short weeks to Hedfest, Camille the manager of Yorkshire Mobility, the shop on New Road which is kindly acting as the collection point for those with knitted items, is keen to give thanks to four knitters in particular who have donated bag loads of knitting. So this is a big ‘THANK YOU’ from Camille and all at Hedfest to Mavis Lane, Audrey Nelthorpe, Audrey Windsor and Helen Porter. You are our Woolly Wonders!

The four mentioned and, of course, all those others that have spent hours knitting, crocheting, and sewing for Hedfest will be rightly proud when they see just how marvellous and wonderfully woolly our town looks for the occasion of the Carnival Parade on Saturday 13 August 2016.

There’s still time for more knitted items to be donated – there’s no pattern to follow, just knit triangles, squares, rectangles, and pom-poms – of all sizes and colours – so basically you can use your scraps of left-over wool and your imagination! The pieces can either be put together as bunting or left as individual pieces.

Drop off your knitted items with Camille at the Yorkshire Mobility shop.

camille yorkshire mobility shop-001

Largest choice of Mobility Products and Daily Living Aids. 22 New Road, Hedon, HU12 8EN

News for HedFest Knitters

Yarn bombed pom poms

Yarn bombed rail pom poms

Example: Yarn bombed rail pom poms

KNITTERS – for the Hedon Festival ‘yarn bombing’ knitting campaign:

“There is no specific pattern to follow. We are looking for triangles, squares, rectangles – of all sizes and colours – so basically you can use your scraps of wool and imagination……They can either be put together as bunting, or left as individual pieces, and we can sort them all.

“Camile at Hedon’s Yorkshire Mobility shop on New Road, Hedon is kindly acting as a drop-off point again. Someone will call into the shop from HedFest and collect on a frequent basis.”

camille yorkshire mobility shop

Drop in your ‘Yarn Bombing’ knitting pieces to Camille at the Yorkshire Mobility shop in Hedon.

Yarn-fest at HedFest – Knitters wanted!

Yarn bombed tree-001

Yarn-Fest on Market Hill, Hedon during HedFest last year.

“A PRETTY TOWN!” will be the lasting impression of Hedon that first-time visitors will get after taking part in HedFest16 in the summer.

Hedon is a beautiful place regardless, but during the Hedon Festival 2016, on the Friday evening 12th August and Saturday 13th August, it will be decorated in brightly coloured wool and cloth bunting. Trees, lamp posts, railings and the streets will be ‘dressed’ splendidly for the occasion.

But if we are to achieve the desired look for the town, we will need more volunteer knitters to make the wool squares, triangles, shapes and pom poms – and people who can sew all the creations together.

If you can knit, crochet or sew and would like to volunteer to help us with this yarn-fest, then please leave your details below (contact form, emailed privately) and we will contact you with more information.

Some volunteers are already busy knitting and your completed work can be left with Camille at the Yorkshire Mobility Shop, 22 New Road, Hedon.

Yarn Bombing

Agnes, the Activities Coordinator at Albermarle, Hedon adores the tree decorations completed by residents for last year’s HedFest.

Examples of Yarn-Fest done elsewhere:

Yarn bombed railings 2

Yarn bombed pom poms

Yarn bombed treeCONTACT FORM – Sent privately to the Blog (will not publish your details).

I would like to knit, sew or crochet for HedFest16 :